Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Collis: Lords of the Sunset

Just finished reading Maurice Collis "Lords of the Sunset". Fascinating book describing the tour that Collis made of the Shan States in 1937. Much of the area he visited is off-limits to travelers these days (the famous falls at Nam Pang. The Shan heartland between Taungyii and Lashio along the Nam Pang river. The hill states (except for Twang Peng) on the north western edge of the Shan States (Namkham, Mong Mit). Almost the entire length of the Salween river in the Shan States. The towns that you can visit, like Hsipaw and Namshan, seem to have been far more vibrant in the days of yore than they are today.

One observation about Collis is that he had an eye for the ladies. A bachelor, living in Kent in the 1930s, he probably was not getting, to put it crudely, any. His book is full about observations about the eyes, the charms, the smiles, the beauty, and the characters of the various Mahadevis and Princesses that he met along the way. Very little about the Sawbwas themselves (except for how wonderful they were). And all those photographs ... Still, an excellent read, one that makes me want to pack my bag and head for the falls at Nam Pang!